Anne's Diary Entries

These diary entries are educational representations based on Anne Frank's actual writings. They aim to capture the essence of her experiences while in hiding during World War II.

My First Day in the Secret Annex
July 6, 1942

My First Day in the Secret Annex

Today is the first day in our new hiding place. The Annex is small but will keep us safe. I've brought my diary with me...

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Life in Hiding
October 9, 1942

Life in Hiding

We've been in hiding for three months now. The days blend together, but I try to keep a routine. I've been reading a lot and studying...

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My Thoughts on Freedom
April 5, 1944

My Thoughts on Freedom

As spring arrives, I find myself dreaming of the outside world more and more. The thought of freedom, of feeling the sun and fresh air...

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